An intimate place situated at Aram Nagar Versova with a seating capacity of 60-80 people and a maximum audience capacity of 100. This place is easily accessible to various theatre groups.

A compact setup specially designed for rehearsals, workshops, and masterclasses situated in the ambiance of Veda Factory at Versova.
Policies & Reservation Booklet
Note: We strictly adhere to our terms & policies. We expect our guests to do so as well. Any violations of our code of conduct are bound to bar the group from performing for future events.
Anything that might damage the stage or the curtains is not allowed.This includes, but is not limited to paint, glitter, and liquids of any kind (including water).
Groups are not to impede with the doors or locks to keep the doors from locking under any circumstance, this includes but is not limited to taping the push bar, taping the door latches, inserting paper or cardboard in the strike-plate hole, etc.
All load-ins must be made from the service entrance located near the parking lot. Make sure that any permitted set pieces will fit through standard double doors.
Groups with reservations in the Veda CAWT Theatre are responsible for any damage to the venue or equipment during the reservation period.
No alterations or permanent attachment(s) to the venue are permitted.
Screwing or nailing anything into the stage floor, walls or ceiling is not permitted.
Only Gaffer’s tape, double stick carpet tape, vinyl spike tape, and glow tape are permitted on the floors and walls of the theatre. No other type of tape or fastener is allowed on the floors or the walls of the theatre. Please see the Manager of Technical Services for materials.
No tape, push-pins, nails, or fasteners of any type are allowed on the floors or walls of the dressing rooms, lavatories, offices, control booths, or storage areas.
Props, Scenery, and Sets
All items not already in the props cages inventory must be approved by the Veda CAWT Theatre Manager before load-in.
Props and scenery are only allowed in permitted designated areas of the theatre and must conform to BMC's fire code.
Use of raised platforms or scaffolding requires the approval of the Veda CAWT Theatre Theatre Manager before load-in and is approved on a "per show" basis.
Approval may include the necessity of professional rigging services with the expense to be paid by the recognized group holding the space reservation.
Painting and Construction
Painting is only allowed under strict supervision at the Veda CAWT Theatre. However, it requires a tarp or drops of cloth to cover the surface.
Any spills or accidents must be cleaned up immediately. Permanent damage will result in the group being charged a fee with the possibility of the group not being allowed to use the space in the future.
Painting is not allowed anywhere else on the premises, including dressing rooms or the Veda CAWT Theatre entryway under any circumstances.
Putting pieces together with tools such as hammers or screwdrivers is only allowed in the theatre, however, the major building or construction of any items or pieces is not allowed in the Veda CAWT Theatre.
Power tools are never allowed in the Veda CAWT Theatre or any of the support spaces.
Fire Retardant Certification
Any prop, set, or scenery pieces not already in the props inventory must be flame-retardant certified.
Proof of certification must be provided to the Veda CAWT Theatre Manager before load-in.
To ensure compliance, the Office of Environmental Safety will inspect all of your items. If proof cannot be provided, Environmental Safety will not allow your show to proceed until the problem has been resolved.
Fire Code and Safety
Open flames, torches, candles, smoke generation machines, etc., are not permitted under any circumstances.
Explosives, flash powder firearms, etc. are not permitted.
Smoking and the lighting of smoking materials by actors are not permitted.
Confetti, balloons, or other materials may not be released within the theatre space during a rehearsal or a performance.
Nothing is to be hung from the sprinkler pipes or equipment.
Fire extinguishers, strobe lights, fire alarm pull stations, exit signs, fire sprinklers, and egress paths must be visible at all times; they may not be gelled, obstructed, or covered in any way.
Egress Requirements
A minimum width of 44 inches of unobstructed space is required for aisleways, walkways, and in-between risers.
All aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed.
Egress routes are allowed to cross the stage area.
Risers and Audience Seating
The venue has designated seating plans that have been approved by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s building code Seating and/or riser configurations must be in compliance with the approved plans. Seating and risers may only be set by house staff.
The maximum audience capacity is limited to 100 persons.
The audience must only be seated in designated seating areas.
At the end of an event all scenic elements, items and equipment must be removed or discarded by the student group.
Each group is responsible for the general cleaning and upkeep of the space, this includes but is not limited to picking up trash, clearing out the spaces, returning all props, costumes, equipment and items.
Facilities will oversee the major maintenance and custodial needs of the space.
Any items that are left behind may incur a disposal charge billed directly to the recognized group holding the space reservation.
Food and Drinks
Food and beverages are never allowed in the Theatre, On stage, or Backstage.
Student Groups are allowed to have food and beverage in the dressing rooms and entryway as long as everything is picked up and cleaned.
It is the responsibility of the student group to manage any beverage or liquid-related prop items used within a performance or event.
Personal items such as speakers, cell phones, iPods, laptops, tools, and the like should not be left unattended in the venue.
Veda CAWT Theatre Management is not responsible for any personal items left unattended in the Veda CAWT Theatre, its dressing rooms, entryway, or its storage facility.